to corner a market

to corner a market
монополизировать рынок(скупая ценные бумаги для контроля за ценами)

Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. . 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "to corner a market" в других словарях:

  • corner the market — Ⅰ. corner the market (in sth) ► to get control of an area of business so that it is difficult for other companies to be successful in it: »Small low cost airlines have cornered the market in cheap flights. Main Entry: ↑corner Ⅱ. corner the market …   Financial and business terms

  • corner the market in sth — Ⅰ. corner the market (in sth) ► to get control of an area of business so that it is difficult for other companies to be successful in it: »Small low cost airlines have cornered the market in cheap flights. Main Entry: ↑corner Ⅱ. corner the market …   Financial and business terms

  • corner the market in/on sth — corner the market (in/on sth) ► COMMERCE to be more successful than any other company at selling a particular type of product: »They have cornered the market in cheap flights. Main Entry: ↑market …   Financial and business terms

  • corner the market on sth — corner the market (in/on sth) ► COMMERCE to be more successful than any other company at selling a particular type of product: »They have cornered the market in cheap flights. Main Entry: ↑market …   Financial and business terms

  • corner a market — If a business is dominant in an area and unlikely to be challenged by other companies, it has cornered the market …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • corner the market — index monopolize Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Corner A Market — To acquire enough shares of a particular security type, such as those of a firm in a niche industry, or to hold a significant commodity position to be able to manipulate its price. An investor needs deep pockets to be able to corner a market. It… …   Investment dictionary

  • corner the market — verb a) To monopolize a resource or commodity, as with the intent of driving up prices. Why, there aint going to be any wheat left in Chicago by May! If I get in now and buy a long line of cash wheat, where are all these fellows whove sold short… …   Wiktionary

  • corner the market — become the main supplier, have a monopoly    Japanese automakers are trying to corner the luxury car market …   English idioms

  • corner the market —    If a company dominates an area of business, and leaves no room for competition, it is said to have cornered the market.     By importing large quantities and selling at low prices, they have cornered the market …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • corner a market —    If a business is dominant in an area and unlikely to be challenged by other companies, it has cornered the market.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

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